Tuesday, January 13, 2009


-It never enough resources(computer) for each classroom and you can’t expect parents to buy their children a laptop to take to school.
-Moreover some teacher are being old style of teaching and refuse to use ICT system in their classrooms.

- The importance thing is the computer will never replace the teacher, because it is a learning tool and will give out what we humans put in.

-The lecturers and learner can be up to date and real world technology.

-It is also prepared children for the modern world
ICT can significantly reduce learning cost

- By using ICT, training and learning can reach a large numbers of people at
A low marginal cost. The saving on travel and economics of scale gained reduce learning cost and bring about cost effective.

ICT has brought revolutionary advance in distance learning
-Distance where, where learning take place away from the instruction, how ever in 1960s various analog technologies and satellite, base transmission system brought about considerable growth in distance learning. One of the major strength of ICT is its ability to reach out and include learner and clients who are separated by geography or are prevented by participating in learning activities by infrastructure time or financial constants.

ICT supporting information and knowledge sharing an analog.
-As ICT continuous to innovate and advance, its capacity interactively, from one way broadcasting to two interaction, from a synchronous to synchronous grows.
The development and increasing availability of new and affordable information communication technology ,such as e-mail , e-discussion tools, instant messaging, IP phone and VC offer promise for widening the scope and scale of technology sharing and learning for development.

http://www.jointokyo org/files/cms/ news/ptf

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